I took today off so that I could clean and get ready for the big dinner on Saturday. I got a bunch done, just not nearly as much as I would of liked. Yard mowed, guest/baby room clean, bathroom spotless, bedding clean, plus.. Chris and I did all of our grocery shopping. Grocery shopping sounds simple enough, but not in our house. Here are they places we hit:
Cao Nguyen's
China Town
Buy for Less
Chris' sister's house (fresh herbs)
Bass Pro (a new sausage stuffer)
Did I say we were done? Oops, got to go back for rice! We also forgot to buy 2 more bowls that match are set from Cao Nguyen's.
I am beat. The whole time I was gone I kept thinking about a frozen cheese pizza I had in the freezer and topping it with jalapenos! Yum.
Pizza is in the oven as we speak.
On to baby stuff... I think Chris' mom has found us out! Not that we didn't want to tell her. She called today and asked Chris if anything was new. Uh, yes. We said we would drop by soon and catch up. I am sure I will let the cat out of the bag to someone or someones tomorrow.
Not feeling too pregnant today. Haven't in the past day or two. Belly is swelling up, Gas? I started doubting my own pregnancy last night, so I got out of bed and took another test. Yup, still pregnant.
Tomorrow is going to be a test for me. All of my friends smoking and drinking. And me with Green tea and juice. I am nervous about the menu. Shrimp, scallops, soft cheeses... OH MY! I hate to sound so paranoid. Just don't want to take any chances. I will try to stick to lamb and zucchini. Oh, and for dessert... Brandy Alexander. Chris swears there is just a little bit of liqueur in it. I might try a sip. I can't pass up anything with ice cream. Tomorrow should be a big day. Wish me luck!