I want to tell someone so bad! So, I think I am going to tell my boss. Maybe, not sure.
He and his wife are trying to have their second child. I think he would be excited to hear the news. I want to see someones face when I tell them. I want to talk to someone about what is going on. If the perfect time arises, I will do it.
Today, I feel more tired than I felt before. Don't know if that is baby, or a bad nights sleep. I want to go home and take a nap, but I am afraid I wouldn't get up. Oh, just thought of something! I am telling someone today! I am telling my yoga instructor. Maybe. I don't know why I am so nervous about telling people. I guess it is because it doesn't feel real. As chris says "I am faking." I can't imagine how it is for the dad. I at least get to feel tired and hungry. He just has to take my word for it. Seriously, I am pregnant. I just have to keep telling myself that. I try to imagine how big "little hen" is. I think he is about the size of the eraser on my pencil. I skipped ahead to see when he starts to look like a baby. In about 4 more weeks he will start taking baby shape! Woo-Hoo. Right now he/she is my little lizard. That is creepy.

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