Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tomorrow off!

I took tomorrow off! I am so excited! Rusty is coming into town. I have to move all of the baby furniture out of the guest room before he arrives. I want to tell him, don't want him to guess or ask like everyone else. Something about being pregnant makes me cleaning crazy! Maybe it is my smoking and drinking replacement?
I think it drives Chris crazy. I know it does. Sorry, honey. I have to stay busy or I will sit around and be cranky and yell at you for not cleaning. If I sit down I feel like sleeping.
Anyone ever see the episode of South Park where Cartman is waiting for the Nintendo Wii to come out. He decides to have Butters freeze him then thaw him out when it arrives. Can we do that with me for the next 7 months? I'll take even 5 months. Just speed it up a little. Of course in that episode, Cartman thawed out and it was the year 3000 and something. Maybe that is not such a good idea.

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