We told everyone this weekend. Even people we don't know. We told friends and friends of friends and more family. FInally told Chris's mom Gwen and her boyfriend. They were thrilled! I also told Chris and his mom that Chris is in charge of naming this child since I got to name Draven. Chris missed out on all the fun baby stuff with Draven. Chris first meet him when he was 4 years old. We decided this weekend that Preston Hanes Henry is a little harsh for a girls name, so we have been trying to come up with something more feminine. Now we have Simone Preston Henry for a girl and we will keep Preston Hanes Henry.
Still feeling pretty good. Couldn't sleep after/durning the party Saturday night. Tried to go to bed around 4 a.m. but watched a movie instead. Got about an hours worth of sleep then got up and started cleaning. Took a nap from 9-12 then woke up starving. We drove east and looked for a place with catfish. Ended up in Nicoma Park, Oklahoma. Had the best catfish, mashed taters, and salad. Oh, it was so... good! We might go back for all you can eat on Wednesday. I find myself getting more and more hungry. I go into this starvation mode where it feels like I haven't had anything to eat in days. I wake up starving. I brought some dried apricots and nuts for snacks and sweet cherry tomatoes and grapes and cheese and crackers and... still don't know if that will get me through the day. FOOD! Yummy Yummy FOOD! Mmmmm... Then a nap.
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