Monday, April 14, 2008

Lillie and Poppy...

Lillie's daycare closed on Friday and Monday due to a gas leak. I was hoping I would get to be the one to spend the day with her. Instead Poppy took her to court on Friday and went to visit out of town friends on Monday. He just loves showing her off.
Chris had juvenile court Friday morning. She spent most of her time in Judge Herndon's office. Kim and Tonya looked after her while Chris was in the court room. After their time in Chickasha, Chris took her to Caddo County court house.

Lillie Marie and Opal (the Caddo County Court Clerk)

Tonya and Kim in Judge Herndon's office.

Poppy, Lillie Marie and Judge Herndon.

Justus Hefley and Lillie Marie in Anadarko.

Debbie in Caddo County. She gave Lillie a bunch of clothes.

Judge Hill in Caddo County.

Susan and Lillie Marie

Opal, Patty, and Lillie

Johnny and Nancy Moats with Lillie in their home in Chick.

Nancy and Lillie Marie in Chickasha.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lacy said...

ahhhh look how many people love her! Did you see the sign at Cafe Nova? Welcome to the world Lillie! Ok, it is spelled wrong and a little late but still sweet!