Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I haven't updated in a while. I have been a little down about the whole daycare thing and going back to work. I am slowly coming to terms with it all. My job is a mess. I am basically homeless. I work anywhere I can find space. No computer, phone, printer, e-mail, file cabinets... You get the point. They say it will change when we move to our new building. I have a feeling it won't change that much. Communial space does not work for me. I have to be organized.

Now on to Lillie. Daycare sucks. It isn't a bad daycare, it just isn't the way I had planned things. I hoped that by the time Lillie was born I might get to stay home with her the first year. I guess I should be greatful I got as much time as I did with her. Chris took her to daycare for just a couple hours today. He didn't work, but we pay for it no matter what. So, he went to lunch and ran an errand then picked her up. They are really getting their money from us. SHe is such an easy baby and she is only there a few hours a day. Now we are all home and it is my kind of day, gray and rainy. I am going to update my blog then just hang out the rest of the evening.

I took a bunch of pictures of Lillie today. I felt like she is growing up so fast I need to take pictures every day.


grace said...

oh my she is so cute....i love
those i said her mothers
& poppys good nature. we are so
blessed to have everybody, nanna

grace said...

corrctn...her mothers beauty

Jennifer Lacy said...

i can't get over the pictures - she is beautiful. I didn't realize how much she looked like me! ha just kidding. i am ready to babysit anytime (ok not this weekend)