What a great night!!!
We showed up for Lillie's 8:30 and the nurse had already fed her. The previous nurse forgot to tell the night nurse that we were going to be there. We are ALWAYS there for the 8:30. Even though we missed her dinner we got to rock, change, weigh and dress her. That is were the big news comes in. She weighed 1565 grams!!!! Translation: OVER 3 POUNDS 7 OUNCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The nurse the night before missed calculated her weight. She was actually at 3 pounds 5 ounces last night. She gained almost 2 ounces in one day! They said they doubled up on her weight supplements too! At this rate she will be home before or around her due date. Oh, I just can't get over it! I am actually nervous now because she will be coming home soon. YAY!!!!
We also got to put her in some clothes from home. I washed a premie outfit her Nanna bought her in hot water. It fits pretty well. She looked so sweet. We also noticed tonight that her hair is coming in kinda strawberry blonde like her mother. Maybe even some curls? Not sure were those came from. She just loved her bath and all of the attention. Auntie Lo came to see her and Lillie put on a show. She wanted her Auntie to see how cute she can be. She wiggled around and enjoyed being out and bathed. What a sweet baby!
Just keeps getting better and better. I know it is too much to ask for her to gain 2 ounces a day, but....
can't wait for tomorrow.
Notice in the pics with me and Lillie she just stares at me. I love it!
i know i already knew but WOW! what great news and those pics are amazing!!! I wish i didn't have this stupid cold - i miss her! kate wait for lillie and kate's first playdate!
wow, lillie is turning into a real porker!
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