This is her going home outfit. She picked it out for her dad because he loves elephants.
Last night, the boys hung out at home and watched movies with me. My head started to ache and I just couldn't beat it. I finally fell asleep with a rag over my eyes about 1am. I also got the baby's bag packed. I felt a little productive. Today consisted of laying around and watching tv. Chris brought me some fruit and sweets from church, that was a highlight. Once the afternoon hit, I started to get depressed, so I got up and started to stress. It is like my body feels the need to get all worked up and stressed. I went down stairs and vacuumed and swept. Then I started on the baby's room. I got all of the baby's stuff we aren't going to use moved out. Yes, I broke every rule there is when it comes to "bed rest." My dad called and told me how proud he was that I am actually staying in bed. I just can't spend all day in bed. I am doing pretty well for me. Once it gets dark it is easier to lay around. Luckily it is almost dark.
Figured I need to take my belly pictures while I still have a belly.
ahh those outfits are very sweet. so sorry you are having such a hard time. let us know if you want us to come "play"
shame on you, sarah! shame! just kidding, i can imagine that being restricted to your bed must really suck.
i'll come see you this week,i promise. if youre really sweet, maybe i'll paint your toenails for you...
Poor Sarah... I can't imagine having to lay around in bed for this long. It'll soon be over, though!
I'm so sad we won't be around to see her in person until this summer. :-( You'll have to post lots of pics here.
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