This is a good thing. I just feel like I am grasping on to my former life. I don't know if the boys realize how different things are going to be.
We spent most of our Saturday prepping for baby. These little things are expensive! After pricing formula, I am thankful that I decided to try and breast feed. We bought a bunch of clothes, including a few sweat suits. We just couldn't get over how cute and little they were. I started to pack our bags yesterday too. That is so overwhelming. I know that the hospital provides most of the necessaties, but I want my stuff too. After the shopping, we came home and got ready for cotillion. Draven spent most of the day catching up with his friends while we shopped. Chris and I were the evenings chaperons. We basically have to stand around and pretend to be the host of "the party" and take compliments. I had lots of "I like your glasses, necklace and shirt." Chris has never had so many compliments on a tie. We were both disappointed that no one said, "nice baby." After cotillion, we decided to go out and try Cheesecake Factory. As many of you know, we are anti big chain restaurants. We had great things about it, so what the heck. It turned out to be very yummy! Great service too! Draven's meal took longer than ours, so they brought him out a big plate of french fries on the house. Of course, Draven and I got cheesecake to take home. We are still working on finishing it. I am going to miss my days of eating for two. So back to the change. Chris pointed out last night that this might be the last time we go out to dinner as a family of three. Just a wierd thought. Draven asked if he still gets to sit by me. He is hoping that his little sister likes Chris a bunch so he can take her, and Draven gets to keep me. I am sure we will adjust. Today I am sorting through baby stuff and cleaning. I want to be prepared when I go into labor, but I guess it will just happen when I least expect it. Preferably after I have had a shower and put clean clothes on. If I went into labor today, I would be embarassed. I haven't even showered yet. Well, I guess I should get back to work. I am cleaning and listening to The Weepies. This cd is making me an emotional mess. I keep rubbing my belly and feeling sentimental.
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