Let me first start by saying that I am surprised I even blogged today. My head ache got so bad this afternoon it was scary. I had checked my blood pressure at 4pm and my diastolic was at 83. That is the lowest it has been. Around 5pm I started to get a severe headache. I checked my blood pressure and it was 133/108. Now that scared me. I took my tylenol, got a cold rag and laid down. When Chris got home he made the best meal. We all ate dinner in the bedroom and watched tv. Despite the headache, it was a great family night. After dinner, I checked my blood pressure and it was down to 131/97. I still had the headache, but wasn't as worried. I fought the pain till about 3am. I know when you have a baby you get very little sleep, but anything will be better than this. I go to bed and lay awake for hours, then wake up with a discomforts and have to use the bathroom. Then I lay awake again. Everyday I find myself getting my best sleep after Draven leaves for school. Then the phone rings.
So, now it is morning. CHris is home and working on the baby's room. He is putting in the dimmer switch before the carpet people arrive. After that he will put up her crib. On Saturday he is going to get her dresser. That should just about do it!
mmmmmm.... that dinner looks exactly like what i need.
you're going to have to stop posting pictures of your food, they cause me to salavate for hours.
sarahlou please promise your momma if your bp goes over 100 you call your dr. plleeaassee!!!!!!!!that's what your dr would want you to do! oh yeh your momma too!
i love you!!!! remember you're MY baby !!!!!!
patiently waiting for pics of my niece....
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