Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Battle for Babies...

I haven't blogged about the last March of Dimes event because I was to preoccupied with it to blog about it. Also, I wanted people to be excited about the event and not hear all the boring (and stressful) planning. Now that it is done, I will show you the final product in pictures!

Working! Not just gossiping, I promise.
Stuffing the chocolate raffles in their pretty little boxes.

The restaurants were asked to create their own unique look for each table.
Check out the fish in the vases. There are big fish in the big vase and little ones in the little vases.
Blurry, but I promise it was very pretty!
The judges table!

Volunteers hard at it!

Our table ready for dinner!
Cute dancers! They came out dancing to Be Our Guest.
Our Chef for the evening...
Rusty was getting fed by two chefs. That makes for 8 courses! Luckily he shared. Mike is taking a bit.

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