Monday, October 4, 2010

Lake weekend... the bad stuff...

We were so excited to get to the lake house this weekend. My father had been staying there for the past few days and got some work done. It was going to be our first weekend at the house with hot water, a shower and beds for everyone. The lap of luxury I tell you! On our way in to town I noticed the local volunteer firemen on their way to some emergency. Huh. Then I pulled into our driveway and saw a long note on our door and the propane man at our house. I didn't think to much of the note or the propane man. We had called earlier in the week to set up an appointment for him to come out. We just didn't know when he was coming. I thought the note said "sorry I missed you". And then the firetrucks arrived...
I stepped out of the car and was greeted by people yelling "get away from the house!" I unloaded the three kids and one dog and headed to the water. The smell of gas was overwhelming. I heard someone say "if you would of flipped on a light the whole thing would of blown". I guess our new handyman that came out last week didn't realize we had a massive leak under the house when he turned on our gas. Luckily, the neighbor smelled it and called the propane company. All of our propane leaked out into our house. Very scary. The firemen aired out the house while Lillie, Jorge and I went to the neighbors house on the lake and watched Dora. This is the same old lady that mowed my lawn last weekend. A great grandmother! So after that was done it was dark. We were supposed to meet my dad for dinner but I couldn't get a hold of him. I was very worried. I didn't know how to get a hold of him or where to find him. I had never been to his new house and didn't have an address. Found out in the morning he was fine, but Chris and I worried all night. My sister even called the local hospital. On Saturday we went to my Dad's new house (once he called and told us how to get there) to watch the game. I was so excited to see my brother who was in town. When I walked in Aaron seemed fine, but progressively got sicker as the day went by. This is very unlike my healthy bro. We all decided to let Aaron sleep and we got takeout. I brought in my laptop so we could watch the movie I had been watching on the computer. When we left I was exhausted. I got home pulled out my computer and instead of pulling out my Mac I pulled out my bro's HP. Oh crap. He was leaving at 5am and I had to get his computer back to him. That means driving all the way back to my dads. Chris went with me and we dropped off the laptop and headed back to the house. It was now 11pm. I was so sleepy. And then I saw sirens behind me. Oh crap. Yes, I was getting pulled over. I didn't get a ticket for my busted tail light but I was still very annoyed. We finally got back to the lake house at 11:30. I was so sleepy. I went to the bathroom and headed to bed. Then I hear Chris "where did this water come from?" The toilet was over flowing. I reached in the toilet to try to get it to stop and broke something off. Now I have toilet spray all in my face. I was done. I was sleepy and cranky.
Oh, I forgot another crappy thing! Sometime on Saturday Ne-Ne went missing. For those of you don't know, Ne-Ne is Lillie's baby blanket she carries around and sleeps with. Got to have Ne-Ne. So we spent the night with a two year old crying for her lost blanket. Very sad. I think that covers it all. I will post the good things on a separate post. Too much in weekend for one post. We think our next visit to the lake we will sleep at Papa's house!

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