You know me. I hate to focus on all the negative stuff so here's the post about the good stuff from this weekend. FIrst of all I got to see my dad's new house. It is beautiful! And second we had a wonderful time at the boat show. Lots of pictures! And third we tried some new restaurants that were all wonderful!
(just noticed my good stuff post is a few sentences and my bad stuff post was a few pages.)
This restaurant is in Vinita. It was on Diners Drive-thrus and Dives. They have a pretty darn good pan fried chicken fried steak.

Jorge had his first Chicken Fry (or as he called it, "Chicken not Chicken") at a fantastic diner in Grove called American Grill. It was our favorite so far.

Holy smokes that's a huge chicken fried steak!!
It's actually two stacked on top of each other. It looked yummy!
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