I went to go see Lillie this morning for her 8:30 feeding. The nurse had already started. Probably a good thing because she had an explosive diaper. It was so bad that the nurse had to clean out the incubator. The nurse informed me that she acts her age just like a term baby. She was so hungry that she fed her ealry. I would much rather her be fed without me than have the nurses let her cry in her sound proof booth. I can't stand to see her cry in there. Of course, she rarely cries. She ate a lot and ate it fast. Nurse talked to the doctor about increasing her food. He let her up it from 10cc's to 11cc's. If she digests everything well today they will up it to 12cc's tonight. They also are getting rid of two cords today. Thye are thermometers that keep track of her tempature. We are going to just take her temp the old fashion way. The big news is she had her brain ultrasound and according to the tech it looked great. I talked to her doctor and he said he will give us the final word tonight or in the morning. The tech said that she didn't see any need for concern. The nurse also talked to me today about discharge class. I can't believe they are already talking to us about that. It will still be weeks away, but the fact that they put us on a list for the class makes me feel like we are getting closer. I took a couple of pictures and so did the nurse of Lillie during her 11:30 feeding. Our next touch time feeding is at 8:30. After that, we go home! Draven is feeling better and looking forward to sleeping in his own bed. Chris and I can't wait to sleep in the same bed together. Got lots to do before Lillie comes home. We will have the house all ready for her when it is time. I will keep you posted if I get any new info. Thanks for all of your prayers for Draven and his stomach bug (he was so sick!) and keep them coming for Lillie. Can't wait to share her with the world. Until then, I took a little video of her after she ate. She likes to make faces and look around.
I can't get the video to upload so I will try it on a separate post.
ahh love the pics! and yay for good news!!!
nanna & momma are so proud of the entire henry family... especially my baby girl Sarah...
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