Draven woke us up at 5 a.m. this morning. He was sick with stomach cramps. I gave him some pepto and sent him back to bed. This morning when I got up he had a 100 plus temp. He was crying and just felt awful. Luckily, Lillie was in the mood to sleep most of the day. I was able to take care of my sick boy. I just had to remember to wash and santatize everytime I left his room. He tried to eat a little chick soup around lunch but threw that up. He slept the rest of the afternoon. When he woke up his fever was over 102. I called Uncle Bear (Aka Bill.) He recommended Tylenol and Gateraide. So far it seems to be working. His fever is down and he is watching tv. You know a kid is sick when he can't even watch tv. Hopefully this will only last 24 hours. If so, we are over 1/2 way there. I will update in the morning.
poor poor guy. Even sick - he is so handsome! can't believe what a young man he is turning out to be.
feel better drave!
he is up and eating this morning!
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