This was one of my favorite photos. Some how I missed it and it didn't get posted. Had to go back and add it.

Today was officially St. Patrick's Day. It was full of activity!
Draven had a friend spend the night. I didn't get any pictures of the boys playing. They were too busy to stand still for any photos. I got various photos throughout the day. Mostly of Chris' grandmother and Aunt Kims visit and my mothers birthday. Sometimes it is easier to just post the pics and narrarate the day.
Mimi and Aunt Kim came to visit Lillie Marie. She was fussy most of the morning but as usual, acted sweet when company showed up. She just loved them both!

This is Mimi (Lillie's Great Grandmother.) I hope I look as good as her when I am a great grandmother. She amazes me every time I see her. Mimi and her boyfriend dance often, they
recently polka danced for 6 hours!

We had to run our errands for Nanna's birthday. Lillie slept through all of our shopping. She is such a good sport!

Nanna's birthday is on St. Patrick's day so we had her over for corned beef and cabbage. Kate had fun playing with Nanna.

The party just getting started.

Nanna and Don.

Dinner time.

Dinner was a little late as usual in our house. It was after Kate's bedtime. She got a second wind as was full of energy. Too cute!

The kids helping Nanna with her trick candles on her birthday cake.

Sweet Kate.

Now we have a party... Chris talked the boys in to doing Irish car bombs. Jon was the first volunteer.

Now it was Chris and Jay's turn. The kids were very entertained by this drink.

Jay drank his faster. Brooke pointed out that her dad was better at drinking than Draven's dad. I think she is wrong. Draven's dad could out drink her dad any day. Bring it on!

After dinner, cake and car bombs our neighbor Joe came by. We had a great visit. He is a former school board member and gave us info on Draven's school situation. I won't get into details, but they are wanting to change things. Sounds like it is something we need to fight. Joe is always good company. We love our neighbors.
Now we are catching the end of our Monday night TV, Jay Leno's headlines. Then bed time.
Whew! What a day!
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