My dad something that cracked me up. I asked him how he was sleeping with his back pain. He replied "Like a baby, I wake up every two hours crying." Well, last night Lillie slept like a toddler. She was so fussy yesterday!!!! It was so bad that I went for my walk without her. I just had to get away. By the time I got home Poppy had her asleep in his arms. We put her in her crib at 8:30. She slept till 1:30 am. WOW! She was pretty calm when she woke up, but didn't go back to sleep until around 2:30. Then she was up again at 4 am (Poppy's shift.) She was up and fussy for about an hour and is now still sleeping at 8 am. That is incredible! She seems to be doing pretty well in her crib and I think we are sleeping better. It is nice not waking up to every peep.
Now that I have a few moments to myself I will post some pictures that I haven't had time to post from the past few days. I can't believe I have got anything done lately. We are having Chris' birthday tonight with his family. I got the whole house cleaned and decorated all with a fussy baby in hand. I think I was having a super mom moment.
Lillie at the park on Chris birthday. We went for a walk with Auntie Lo before the party got started. It was beautiful out, now it is cold again.

Draven spent the evening trying to figure out the Simpson theme song on the piano. He figured it out, now he is working on it for guitar.

Look at my big girl doing her tummy time. She really likes it and is getting so strong!

Lillie meets Charlie.
she looks so big on her boppy! glad she slept a little more! hope things keep getting better but remember i am here!
look out kate! here comes lillie!!
cute & smart...i know she hasn't showed off her talents yet..doesn't want to upstage anyone.....goooo lilllie!!!!!
love, nanna
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