Friday, April 15, 2011


The weather was nice until today. Nice enough to get out and go for walks with the girls. Wednesday we got to church early so we could go walk around and take Lillie and Phoebe to the memorial. Lillie played with the sidewalk chalk and Phoebe slept.
Thursday we had a March Of Dimes meeting downtown so this time we decided to walk to the meeting. It seemed easy enough, 4 miles round trip. Of course, I didn't think about the fact I was pushing a huge stroller with two kids in 50+ mph wind. Dust was blowing every where and the sun was bright. Lillie and I both ended up with wind/sunburns on our arms. Of course, I forgot sunscreen. I'm glad we got out when we did. Today it was in the 40's, cloudy, and still nasty 60 mph winds.
Gotta love Oklahoma!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who's Who?

I posted this picture on Facebook but for the rest of you...
Check out these cuties!

Grandma and Grandpa...

Yesterday Chris and I brought the girls out to see their great grandparents. It was a nice visit as it usually is. They both seemed to be doing well, looking good, and hopefully enjoyed our company. We talked about the old family pictures hanging in the living room and asked who everyone was. I am always so fascinated with Chris' roots that I forget about my own. I found out that "Belle" is actually a family name, not just Grandma's middle name. We have a Dorothy Belle, Lydia Belle, and Georgia Belle. Go figure! We talked about Grandpa's uncles that came over from Germany. I would love to know more about them. Once I got home I realized I didn't know Grandma's roots. I know she is German too but I don't know if that is on both sides? I will have to ask her more about her family next visit. We talked about Great Grandma Hazel's grocery store and I showed Chris a picture. Why didn't anyone take the old "Townsend Grocery" sign? I kick myself now, but what kid thinks about that kinda stuff. I am pretty sure it is no longer standing but Chris and I might take a rode trip to go check out the area.
While we were out we went morel hunting. I strapped Phoebe to my chest and Lillie walked holding Chris hand as we walked up and down the creekside looking for mushrooms. Phoebe was well protected, but the rest of us ended up with ticks and scratches. I know, gross, right? We did end up with 8 morels. Not bad for the worst drought ever! We only went to a two of my shroom spots and headed back to G&G's.
Chris and I hope to make it back soon. Next time we visit we are bringing dinner. I was told that Grandma and Grandpa couldn't eat certain things but they told me that was not the case. We planned our menu and look forward to our next visit!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

sick kids...

So on Thursday Lillie had a runny nose. I convinced myself it was allergies. I started her on Claratin and she started feeling better on Sunday. Of course in the back of my head I knew better.
Sunday night around 2 am Phoebe woke up with a runny nose.
And then coughing.
And sneezing.
Then trouble breathing.
Chris and I knew she would need to go to the doctor. When we got to her to the docs office she took a few looks at her and said
"Did the nurse test her for RSV?"
My heart sank. Of course, why didn't I even think of it? She sent the nurse in and had her swabbed. The doctor sent us on our way and we were to wait for a phone call from the nurse. Phoebe's doc was sure she would test positive. 15 minutes later my phone rang.
Yep, positive for RSV.
She is only 3 weeks old.
The doctor and nurse both made sure we knew how serious this was. I was positive she was going to have to be admitted in to the hospital.
She is ONLY 3 weeks old.
They told us what to do and what warning signs to look for if she got worse.
Tuesday night she got worse.
We took her to Children's hospital today and had them look at her. Her oxygen levels were fine so she was not admitted. She was worse but that is normal for the 3rd or 4th day of RSV. They said she was actually doing well for a 3 week old. Go figure. Once again they told us what warning signs to look for and what to do if she got worse. I think we know what to do. And if we don't, we will bring her back in. They also told us to set an appointment for Friday so we wouldn't worry about her so much over the weekend.

phoebe's first day on the nebulizer.
At Children's ER. They were all great there and we got in to see a doctor before I even filled out all the paperwork!
My girls... Lillie is feeling much better. Phoebe, not so much.
No sleep, sick baby, trip to the hospital... equals nap!
We were worn out!
We both sleep in the same position.
Maybe tonight will be better.
On the upside...
We got a call from one of our favorite church members and she is going to hook us up with some food. I don't think the boys understand how tired we are. Between two teenage boys, a sick toddler and a sick newborn we don't have time to cook much. We are used to having family dinners most nights but lately it has been a lot of "just eat what you can find." Lots of bologna sandwiches and cans of soup. We are so thankful for our church friends and their prayers.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lake house...

This weekend we went to the lake house and used it as a home base since we had Aunt Bob's funeral to go to in Tulsa. It was wonderful to see Chris family and introduce Phoebe to everyone. But as always... We just love hanging out at the lake! I took a ton of pictures!

Lillie just had a bath and decided to fill her pockets with dirt.

Our bedroom is looking better...
We got this table for $26! It has 4 chairs too and the perfect size for our tiny kitchen.
Chris was power washing the spider nests away and Lillie was helping.
Roasting marshmallows over the bonfire.

Woodland fairy...
Checking out the lake...
Yard cleanup is fun! Where's Lillie?
There she is!

The girls...
I finally got my redhead. Had to take pics in the sun to show it off!

Jorge and Lil!
Bubba, Lillie, and Rat!